Biblioteca Gianni Milner 2012-2022. Quaderni, 1, 2019


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390 pp.


Indice: DAVIDE CROFF, Foreword, p. 9; CRISTINA GHIRARDINI, Introduction, p. 13-24; FEBO GUIZZI, Reflecting on Hornbostel-Sachs's Versuch a century later, pp. 25-24; RENATO MEUCCI, Being and becoming of musical intruments: Curt Sachs and diffusionism, pp. 35-50; IGNACE DE KEYSER, Hornbostel-Sachs and Mahillon: the unanswered question, pp. 51-64; LARS CHRISTIAN KOCH, The Hornbostel-Sachs classification system. Its origin and relevance for contemporary research, pp. 65-80; GIAN NICOLA SPANU, The early reception of Mahillon's taxonomy and of the Hornbostel-Sachs classification system in Italy, pp. 81-94; FLORENCE GÉTREAU, Hornbostel-Sachs universal classification and André Schaeffner: a discordant or an original voice?, pp. 95-110; MARIE-BARBARA LE GONIDEC, HEnhancing and developing the Hornbostel-Sachs System: the case of flutes and bagpipes, pp. 111-144; JEREMY MONTAGU, How far do we dare to revise Hornbostel and Sachs, pp. 145-148; ROGER BLENCH, Issues in the classificazion of multiple-feature musical instruments, pp. 149-160; VINCENZO LA VENA, Some reflections on the use of the Hornbostel-Sachs classification in stutying children'sinstruments, pp. 161-166; MARGARET BIRLY AND ARNOLD MYRERS, WITH RUPERT SHEPHERD, The revision of the Hornbostel-Sachs classification in 2011 by MIMO CONSORTIUM, pp. 167-180; NICO STAITI, For the revision of the reeds taxonomy (also in the light of some new discoveries), pp. 181-188; STÉPAHIE WEISSER, The Hornbostel-Sachs system: a model for the twenty-first century?, pp. 189-198; CRISTINA GHIRARDINI, How to create Hornbostel-Sachs codes for polyorganic instrumentsand other marginal subdivisions, pp. 199-214; MAARTEN QUANTEN, Synth in a box. On the systematic classification of the electric, electronic and experimental intruments using th Hornbostel and Sachs taxonomy, pp. 215-226; ERICH M. VON HORNBOSTEL - CURT SACHS, FEBO GUIZZI, Sistematica degli strumenti musicali, pp. 281-339.


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