Cantus Planus, 2020


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XVI, 591 pp.


Indice: DAVIDE CROFF, Presentation, pP. IX-x; Indice: ROBERTO CALABRETTO-LUISA ZANONCELLI, Preface, pp. XI-XII; JAMES BORDERS, Foreword to the Meeting, p. XIII; NAUSICA MORANDI, Opening address, pp. XIV-XV; Abbreviations, p. XVI; NOTATION: ANDREAS PFISTERER, Zur Bedeutung von Oxeia/Acutus/Virga in den griechischen und lateinischen Neumenschriften, pp. 3-8; LAURA ALBIERO, From France to northern Italy: specific features in _Comasca' notation, pp. 9-18; ELSA DE LUCA, A methodology for studying Old Hispanic notation: some preliminary thoughts, pp. 19-40; MANUSCRIPTS, FRAGMENTS, AND SOURCES: DAVID CATALUNYA, The _codification' of new Latin song in early twelfth century: codicological insights into F-Pn fonds latin 1139, pp. 43-47; MARCO GOZZI, Manuscripts in Cortona: fragments and liturgical books in the Archivio storico diocesano, 49-60; KARIN STRINNHOLM LAGERGREN, The Birgittine Abbey of Maria Refugie. Five hundred years of manuscript production, pp. 61-71; SANTIAGO RUIZ TORRES - JUAN PABLO RUBIO SADIA, Liturgical fragments of the diocese of Sigüenza (eleventh-sixteenth centuries), pp. 73-82; REBEKKA SANDMEIER, Imposing European culture on the Cape Colony: medieval manuscripts in the Grey collection, pp. 83-93; JAMES BORDERS, A northern Italian intermediary between Avignon and Rome? Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Canonici Liturgical 375 and the chants of the 1485 Pontificale Romanum, pp. 95-106; JURIJ SNOJ, The antiphoner of Izola, pp. 107-116; RÉKA MIKLÓS, Der Seckauer Liber ordinarius von ca. 1595 (A-Gu 1566) als letztes Dokument der mittelalterlichen Salzburger-Seckauer Liturgie und Musik, pp. 117-134; EDITING MEDIEVAL MONOPHONY: BETWEEN THE OLD AND NEW PHILOLOGIES: ANDREA HAUG, Towards a semiotically informed transcription practice, pp. 137-142; KOSTANTIN VOIGT, Reconstructing acts of writing. Editorial consequences of writing scenarios assumed for the versus Annus novus in Paris 1139, pp. 143-150; ELAINE STRATTON HILD, Working realities of the New Philology: considering the potential of technology in editing medieval texts, pp. 151-154; CHANT AND COMPUTING: DEBRA LACOSTE - JAN KOLÁČEK, Cantus for office and mass: building an online network of chant databases, pp. 157-162; KATE HELSEN - INGA BEHRENDT - JENNIFER BAIN, A new way to see neumes: the optical neume recognition project in context and in action, pp. 163-167; ALLELUIAS, TROPES, SEQUENCES, AND THE MASS ORDINARY: GÁBOR KISS, Late flourishing of the alleluia repertory in central Europe, pp. 171-185; GIULIA GABRIELLI, Tropes in cantus planus sources from South Tyrol, pp. 187-196; MARIT JOHANNE HØYE, Kyrie chants in manuscripts from the German-speaking area, pp. 197-212; SARAH ANN LONG, Mensurally notated mass ordinaries from Cambrai and Tournai, pp. 213-223; HANA VLHOVÁ-WÖRNER, Agnus pairing and disappearing: a contribution to the late chant tradition in Bohemia, pp. 225-238; SAINTS OFFICES: NEW THEMES AND CONTEXTS: MORNÉ BEZUIDENHOUT, In search of black swans: a computer-assisted approach to interval-pattern recognition, pp. 241-252; DIRK VAN BETTERAY, Textinterpretation und Formelkomposition. Heiligenoffizien im Codex Hartker, pp. 253-265; ROMAN HANKELN, The articulation of direct speech in responsories, pp. 267-278; DANETTE BRINK, Simeon: the long journey to Trier and Sainthood, pp. 279-289; REGIONAL AND LOCAL TRADITIONS: RAQUEL ROJO CARRILLO, The vespertini as witnesses to the transmission of Old Hispanic chant in traditions A and B, pp. 293-309; HANNA ZÜHLKE, Hirsau in Norditalien: Zur liturgischen Musikpraxis des Benediktinerklosters Moggio im zwölften und dreizehnten Jahrhundert, 311-321; NAUSICA MORANDI, The Office for Saint Cecilia in musico-liturgical manuscripts from the Pontificia Biblioteca Antoniana of Padua, pp. 323-336; STEFANIA RONCROFFI, Antichi testimoni dell'ufficio di san Prospero e tradizione nei codici reggiani, pp. 337-344; DIEGO TOIGO, Il canto del Passio presso alcuni ordini religiosi in fonti italiane tardive, pp. 345-358; JEAN-FRANÇOIS GOUDESENNE, Apostolicité et exports liturgiques en France méridionale, Gaule cisalpine et Italie non romaine (835-1150), pp. 359-376; OCÉANE BOUDEAU, Le sanctoral de la cathédrale de Sens, pp. 377-388; TOVA LEIGH-CHOATE, The weekly commemorative office: a twelfth-century witness from Saint-Denis in context, pp. 389-400; MELANIE BATOFF, The Visitatio sepulchri as a Gospel Harmony in medieval Germany, pp. 401-412; ALISON ALTSTATT, Singing the saints in Medieval Eichstätt: the case of Wolfhard of Herrieden's office for Saint Walburga, pp. 413-424; MICHELLE URBERG, Learning gender roles from the Paschal and Mariological processions of the brothers and sisters at Vadstena Abbey, pp. 425-436; MANUEL PEDRO FERREIRA, Venetian influence in fifteenth-century Portugal, pp. 437-450; ORSOLYA CSOMÓ, The feasts of the Holy Virgin in the liturgy of the mass in Zagreb Cathedral and its mediterranean context, pp. 451-461; CHANT AND LITURGY IN LATIN SOUTHERN ITALY: THOMAS FORREST KELLY - KATARINA LIVLJANIĆ, Ferial office in the Montecassino antiphoner and in Beneventan sources of the eleventh and twelfth Centuries, pp. 465-479; LUISA NARDINI, The masses for the Dead in Beneventan manuscripts. Issues of formulary organization and chant manipulation, pp. 481-494; MATTHEW PEATTIE, Graphic difference and the interpretation of the climacus in Beneventan notation, pp. 495-515; BIBIANA GATTOZZI, The hymn in Beneventan manuscripts, pp. 517-529; BYZANTIUM AND THE EAST: SVETLANA KUJUMDZIEVA, The tropologion Vaticanus Graecus 771, pp. 533-548; SILVIA TESSARI, The Byzantine musical manuscripts of the Veneto region: overview of a current research project. One example (Bassan. gr. 34B19), pp. 549-561; GERDA WOLFRAM, The Byzantine tradition of the great doxology, pp. 563-568; NINA-MARIA WANEK, O quando in cruce - Ὅτε τῷ σταυρῷ revisited, pp. 569-578; SVETLANA POLIAKOVA, The classification of Russian sticheraria: a preliminary case study, pp. 579-584; ELIZABETH J. MARKHAM, A schematic musical form for singing Buddhist hymns in the _bilingual' literary culture of early Japan, pp. 585-591; Cantus Planus 2014, Program of the meeting, pp. 593.


